Faith Formation

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT – Religious Education Office

5 February 2025

AFFIDAVITS:  Confirmation 1 and 2, please be sure that you have turned in your affidavits to Nicole. Confirmation 2, you will not be Confirmed without it. This is mandated by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Confirmation 1, your affidavits are due by the last class in April. Please get these in to avoid delays. If you have any questions, please contact Nicole at ngarcia@n-bvm.org or 505-340-0421.

RECONCILIATION AND FIRST COMMUNION:  You will be receiving a note from your catechist if you do not have all your documents (Baptism, Birth Certificate). Please provide them to Nicole as soon as possible. If you have questions, please contact Nicole at ngarcia@n-bvm.org or 505-340-0421. These documents are required for them to receive their sacraments.

ADULT CONFIRMATION: If you are over 18 and did not receive your Confirmation but would like to, contact Nicole in the Formation Office at 505-340-0421 or ngarcia@n-bvm.org for more information.

RECONCILIATION:  A very early reminder, the MANDTORY Reconciliation practice will be on Saturday, April 5th at 10 am in the church. Please be here at least 15 minutes early. We will start at 10 am exactly and end about 11 am.

FIRST COMMUNION:  A very early reminder, the MANDATORY First Communion practice will be on Saturday, April 26th at 9 am in the church. It will last about an hour to an hour and a half. Please plan to be there at least 15 minutes early.

CONFIRMATION 2:  Confirmation 2 students, your Discernment Projects will be due on March 9th during class. Please do not delay! If you have any questions regarding this project, please check with Kim or Francesca in the Faith Formation Office.

CHRISTIAN INITIATION PROGRAM: Are you baptized but never received your First Communion or Confirmation? Are you unbaptized and would like to receive your sacraments? Are you interested in the Catholic faith and are from another faith tradition? Do you know someone that is? If so, our Christian Initiation Program may be right for them. Please call or email Nicole at 505-340-0421 or ngarcia@n-bvm.org.

ALTAR SERVERS: If your child has received their First Communion and they are interested in becoming an Altar Server, please contact Nicole Garcia at 505-340-0421 or ngarcia@n-bvm.org. We will give your contact information to Deacon Leonard so he can schedule training for your child. If your child is interested in any other ministry in the parish, give us a call at 505-340-0421 or email Nicole at ngarcia@n-bvm.org.

YOUTH GROUP: GAME DAY: Sunday, January 26th from 1:30-3:30 pm in the Pastoral Center. Join us for snacks, Ping Pong, and board games!

Call to all adults. We are looking for more youth ministry volunteers. We need Parishioners that can help plan, chaperone, and like to have fun! Please email Kim Chavez at kchavez@n-bvm.org if you are interested. Commitment is usually one planning meeting a month and 1-2 events with Youth a month.

Mark your Calendars! Youth Ministry will be having a Bring Your Sweetheart Dinner and Dance on February 14th from 5:30-9:30 pm. This will be our first fundraiser for our Youth Ministry. Ticket and pricing information to come.

VIRTUS TRAINING: Deacon Michael has turned in our list of Virtus-trained ministers to the Archdiocese.  If you were notified that you needed to update your training and DIDN’T complete the training, he has removed you from the list and you are not certified to continue your ministry until you complete the Virtus training. If you need training, you may complete it, either in-person or online at www.virtusonline.org and submit it to Deacon Michael at deaconmichael@n-bvm.org. He will update/add your name to our list of certified ministers. If this is your first training for Nativity, please also provide Deacon Michael with your birthdate and the ministry that you are involved in.  Please contact Deacon Michael at the email above or at 505-340-0422 if you have any questions.

Como comunidad de fe, creemos que la prevención del abuso sexual infantil inicia en cada persona. Una mayor conciencia y voluntad de tomar acción en el asunto son pasos que cada persona debe tomar para eliminar el abuso en nuestra sociedad, en la comunidad, en el

vecindario y en la familia. Toda persona que participa en la vida de la Iglesia: clérigos, empleados y voluntarios en la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe deberán ser educados sobre la naturaleza del abuso sexual infantil: cómo se comete, las estrategias para la prevención y la denuncia. Esta formación es obligatoria para toda persona que sirva en la Iglesia y debe renovarse cada cinco años.

MEN’S PROGRAM:  The Men’s Group program titled “Bible Timeline” continues on Thursday nights at 6 pm in the Pastoral Center. They will meet every Thursday through December 19th, before taking a break for Christmas and New Year’s. We will update the calendar for the New Year as we get closer to January. Please contact Art Martinez directly at ajmartinez@1791.com or contact the Parish Office. Please invite all of your male friends to attend.

BENEDICTION:  Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction continues EVERY Sunday at 6 pm.  Please join us for a half hour of prayer and worship of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!  Pamphlets are available when you come in.  We invite you to participate in the singing and prayer.  The last Sunday of the month will be done in SPANISH.  We look forward to seeing you there!

FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT:  Our spring semester will begin after the Christmas break! Are you registered at a school that meets the needs of your child? We know that our Catholic Schools have a rigorous academic program, STEM, STREAM, and more. But most importantly, they have God! He is an important part of our day, our curriculum, and our lives. We strive to let each child know that they have a God-given purpose, and we are here to help them discover their purpose. We also give them hope and knowledge that each one of them is a child of God. We want all children to thrive academically, spiritually, and morally.

It is not too late to register! We will meet the needs of your child with our 12 elementary schools with Preschools, 1 stand-alone Preschool, and 2 High Schools in the Archdiocese. We work hard to make a Catholic Education available to all children. We offer financial aid for those in need. Please visit our website: https://www.asfcatholicschools.org and click on the Tuition Assistance tab.

Please call me at 505-831-8214 if you have any concerns. We look forward to working with our parents to help their children to become the person God intends them to be.

CASSEROLES FOR THE HOMELESS:  Thank you to those who continue to provide casseroles for the homeless!  If you would like to prepare a monthly casserole for the Good Shepherd Center, the only Catholic homeless shelter in Albuquerque, please Contact Deacon Michael at 340-0422 or deaconmichael@n-bvm.org Casserole dishes are available in Deacon Michael’s office. Thank you all who continue to prepare casseroles for the Good Shepherd Center!

GOOD SHEPHERD CENTER:  All donations can be dropped off at Deacon Michael’s office So don’t throw away items, new or used, but in good condition. The center is always in need of bottled water. They also need men’s clothing (Belts, shoes, jeans, shorts, T-shirts, new underwear), toiletries (Deodorant, Toothpaste, body lotion, toothbrushes, shampoo and soap, shaving cream and razors), food (canned Tuna and meat, canned and dried beans, canned vegetables and tomatoes, rice, spaghetti, powdered milk, ground or instant coffee) and housewares (please, no furniture) such as towels, bedding, toilet paper, small lamps, pots and pans, cups and plates, cleaning supplies, new shower curtains, cutlery, cooking utensils and new In-box small appliances.  This is an extensive list, but the center is not only providing meals for the homeless, but they are now helping them to establish new households.  The Center is always in need of your generous donations. 

Another way to help is through Amazon.  Go to www.GSCNM.org  and click on the “Other ways to help” tab.  Then click the Amazon Wishlist button and send your donation directly to the center!

Contact Deacon Michael at 505-340-0422 or deaconmichael@n-bvm.org for more information.

THE FRANCIS HOUSE:  If you would like to donate to support the Francis House, please bring your clean clothing (women’s, children’s, or men’s) to the Parish Office and we will store them. We also take shoes and jackets. We especially need a full-size bed frame. Each Friday they will be transported to the Francis House. Thank you for your generosity!

ANNULMENTS: Anyone in need of an annulment from a previous marriage should contact Deacon Michael at deaconmichael@n-bvm.org or 505-340-0422.  He will need to meet with you to explain the annulment process and discuss the particulars of your case.

WEDDINGS: If you are thinking about getting married, contact Deacon Michael at deaconmichael@n-bvm.org or 340-0422.  He will help you through the formation process as you prepare for the big day.  Formation is normally about 6 months.

ARE YOU MARRIED IN THE CHURCH?  If you have been married outside the Church, we invite you to contact us.  The normal preparation time is six months. We will do everything we can to help you get your marriage blessed by the Church in a special ceremony known as a convalidation.  Contact Deacon Michael at deaconmichael@n-bvm.org or 505-340-0422 for more information.

BAPTISMS: If you have a child who needs to be baptized, contact Nicole at 340-0421 and she will arrange the time and date. BAPTISM CLASS in English is the second Sunday of the month at 9 am in the Pastoral Center and the 3rd Sunday in Spanish. No need to pre-register.  Simply come to the Pastoral Center if you need a baptism class. Godparents must be registered at their parish for six (6) months before the parish will sign an affidavit for Baptism.